Friday, February 29, 2008
Happy Leap Year Day!
I truly believe this is the first Leap Year I can recall! I am fully aware that there have been others as I'm 31 years old but I cannot remember a single one.
I know you are all busy trying to earn your friendz pointz for the month (submissions due by midnight tonight!) so I want load you up with anything hard. Today take a picture of something. It can be anything you want but it must be taken today! Share it with us and get 3 pointz. Create a layout with it today and get 10! Remember it must be shared by midnight tonight (CST) to qualify!
Have a great day and an even better weekend!
The Clock Is Ticking!!!!!!
The deadline is Midnight TONIGHT (CST)!!!
For ways to earn FPz....see the "Earn Friendz Pointz" Link
Good Luck!!!!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Challenge Thursday
{Just a can use any shade of the colors}
Layouts are worth 10 FRIENDZ POINTZ and Cards are worth 5 FPz. If you are feeling real "spunky" you can do one of each!!
Here are mine:

Just e-mail a pic of your layout/card to Since we are at the end of the month, to receive FEBRUARY FPz, you must submit your projects by midnight (CST) on Friday, Feb 29 otherwise, this participation in this challenge will contribute to your March FPz total. {Clear as mud, right??!!}
Wishing you a scrap-a-licious day!!
Ronda's Wacky Wednesday
I'm so excited about everything that is going on here @ Scrapfriendzy!! I have heard and read so many postive comments about our blog. I'm glad there are many of you that feel the same way as we do about it. Scrapfriendzy is appropriatley named. It's a place where friends who share a common obsession...{I mean interest}... get together, have fun, and eat, sleep, and breathe scrapbooking. Well, maybe we're not that obsessed...or...Ok, maybe we are.
While we are on the subject of friends, I have a fun little something for you to go check out!
What makes you a good friend??? These things are so funny...sometimes I agree with them, and sometimes I don't! But hey, they're fun, and silly, and you know its just not Wacky Wednesday without them. :)
Check out my results...
You Are a Good Friend Because You're Supportive |
![]() You are almost like a life coach for your best friends. You give them help when they need it... but you also know when to give them a push. People tend to rely on you for moral support and advice. You've probably always been mature for your age, so this is a role that's you're comfortable with. A friend like you is one of the rarest kinds. You are both a good mentor and companion. Your friends need you most when: They are confused or worried You really can't be friends with: Someone who only wants to complain Your friendship quote: "The only way to have a friend is to be one." |
Oh! That's not all....
You didn't think I was going to post and not give an opportunity to rake in some more Friendz Pointz did ya?? Ok. Here's the deal. It's a challenge worth an unbelieveable amount of pointz. For some of you , this may be your opportunity to catch up if your are low on pointz. I want you to give out an invitation to as many people as you can, to come back and post a comment here letting us know that you sent them to check out Scrapfriendzy. It can be anyone, whether they be from another blogspot, scrap site, or simply just have access to a computer! Invite them to check out our site, and don't forget they have to post a comment here, letting us know you sent them, so you can get credit!!
Now, back to the "unbelievable amount of pointz"...For each person that posts on your behalf, you earn a whopping 20 Friendz Pointz!!!
The deadline is Friday, Feb 29 at midnight {CST}.
So get after it girls!!! Time is ticking!!! Good Luck!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Surprize Bonuz Pointz Winner.....
JODI!!!!!!!!! Congratz girl!!! I'll add 10 FRIENDZ POINTZ to your total!!!!
Technique Tuesday
This is the page we created for our Monthly Scrapbooking With Scripture Class. We "hid" our journaling by making a flap from our matted photo.
To create a flap is so easy, and can be done on both horizonal & vertical photos. Simply extend your mat 1 inch on the side you want your flap to be. Fold the extra back and adhere only that strip to your page.
Another fun technique is to create a hidden pocket. For this LO, I simply made a "pocket" out of Cardstock and placed it behind my photo mat. I then made a tag for my journaling with a pull tab and slid it into the pocket. Quick & Easy!
I'd love to see the creative ways you've hidden journaling or memorabilia, etc.
E-mail us a photo of your page where you've "hidden" something and I'll give you 8 FRIENDZ POINTZ!!!! Our e-mail addy is now:
Don't forget, you've got until 5 pm today to post "what you love about ScrapFriendzy" in last night's post to be eligible for the drawing for 10 Bonus FPz!!! {See post below for more details}And check back often this week....I'm feeling really generous with the FPz!!!!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Post a comment on this thread telling me what you love about ScrapFriendzy. I will put all the names in a jar and draw a winner that will receive 10 Bonus FPz!!!!!
You have until 5:00pm Tuesday, Feb 26 to post your comment.
Check back often this week!! You never know when I'll throw some Bonus FPz at ya!!
Cheryl's Monday Motivation
Well I want to give you a tip,( actually came from Amy) that I have started doing & I love it! As soon as you finish a page before you clean up your mess.....make a card or 2. That way you are using some more of your paper AND getting some cards made too!
Also, when I have a good bit of a set of paper left, but don't want to use it again, I have started putting it in a bag to give to someone else. I may give it to one of my daughters or grandaughters, or even take it to our monthly scrapclass to give away. You know, one persons trash is another persons treasure!
For 3 friendz points.....either make a card out of some of your scraps or give some paper away. Comment on this link & let us know what you did.
Have a great week & get to scrappin'!
Here's a card I made from my last page scraps:
Made for Card challenge # 24 @
Simply Obsessed
Sunday, February 24, 2008
The Final Stretch
Sketch #2 for 15 ptz
Use Paint for 8ptz
Post A Quote for 3 ptz
Quick Card Sketch for 5ptz
Love/Valentine Projects for 3, 5, or 8 ptz
Sew A Border for 5 ptz
Card Challenge for 3 ptz
Sketch #1 for 10 ptz
Remember, the girlfriend with the most pointz for the month will win a prize!! Check back very often throughout this week...... there will be surprise ways to earn FPz everyday!!
Don't forget, our e-mail has changed. Please e-mail all entries to
Have a super scrappy week girlfriendz!!!!!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Don't forget...there are lots of ways to earn FRIENDZ POINTZ! The end of February is fast approaching!! Better get busy!!!
Have a great weekend!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Challenge Thursday

Good Morning, girlfriendz!!! It's Challenge Thursday!!! For this week's challenge, I'm giving you another one of my sketches to play with!
Complete a page using this sketch for inspiration, and I'll load you up with 15 FRIENDZ POINTZ!!!
Here are a few Girlfriendz example pages using this sketch...let us know what you think!!
Here's My page:
Cheryl's Page:

Ronda's Page:

Hope this sketch inspires you! Can't wait to see what you come up with!! You've got until midnight, Friday, Feb 29 to send us pics of your page. E-mail it to us @:
We will proudly display them on our site AND give you 15 FRIENDZ POINTZ!!!!!
Ronda's {Wild} & Wacky Wednesday!!
Are you ready for something Wild & Wacky to do for Friendz Pointz?!
Well, I have something for you!
For today's chance to earn Pointz, you have to show us the wildest, wackiest thing you have ever scrapped! It can be something you have altered , or it can be a crazy event that you have scrapped. I've seen people alter hats, bottles, suitcases, and someone even altered a computer!!! LOL! For each Wild & Wacky thing you email to us, you will earn 5 Friendz Pointz!!
Here is an example of one of the wildest pages I've ever done. This is my son Kyle @ Nascar. I just went freestyle with this page, it was pretty Wild & Wacky for me!

Don't forget to check back tomorrow for a new sketch for you to play with, and another opportunity to rack up on pointz!!
Have a good day!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Technique Tuesday
The possibilities with paint are endless! There are so many fun & creative ways we can use it on our LOs.
On this recent LO, I used paint in a variety of ways...
As you can see here, I used paint to create a border around my black & white photos. I just brushed the paint around the edge of my photo to create a frame instead of a traditional mat.
Here, I used paint around the edge of a Heidi Swapp Ghost shape to make it stand out on my page.
I did the same technique below with the HS Ghost letters.
I also painted naked chipboard swirls and then doodled on them with my Zig Writer after they dried.
I hope this inspires you to use paint on a LO soon! Be creative...see what fun ways you can use paint to make your pages stand out above the rest!
For those of you wanting to earn FRIENDZ POINTZ..... Create a page using paint on it, e-mail me a photo of it and I'll give you 8FPz!!!! E-mail your pages to:
Have a super scrappy day!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Cheryl's Monday Motivation
I absolutely love quotes & keep journals of them. Sometimes when I hear a quote it reminds me of a photo I have, or of one of my loved ones. Today I want to share an excellent site that has gobs of quotes & title ideas for your pages. Here it is, enjoy looking & get to scrappin'!
Hey, for 3 friendz points: make a comment with a quote you have used on a scrapbook page before.
Friendz Pointz
If you feel we are not accurate with the number we've posted...PLEEEEZZZZ do not hesitate to e-mail us and let us know {although we are very close to perfection.....we too can make mistakes!!!!LOL}.
Here ya go:
Jodi C. -110
Cindy E. -39
Gayle R. -18
Donna E. -11
Elizabeth M. -99
Stacy M. -13
Wendi R. -76
Ally G. -35
Anne D. -5
If you would like to earn more pointz, check out the "Earn Friendz Pointz" link to the right to find some fun projects to work on! Check in often this never know when we'll give you a chance to earn FPz!!!!
Tune in tomorrow for Cheryl's Monday Motivation!
Thanks for playing with us!!!
~Amy & Ronda~
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Candy Heart Guess Winner!!!
Wendi Robinson!!!!!
Wendi was the closest with a guess of 513 hearts! Congrats Wendi!! You won 15 Friendz Pointz!! I know this guess was a lot harder than it looked. I know if I had to guess I would have been WAY off. The total amount of candy hearts in the jar was 703. Here were the other guesses:
Gayle: 475
Anne: 87
Cindy: 369
Jodi: 318
Elizabeth: 287
Thanks to all of you participating, and Good guessing ladies!!! Keep checking back for more fun ways to earn Pointz and win prizes!!! Also, sometime this weekend we will be posting a tally of total Friendz Pointz that you have earned so far.
Hope you're having a Happy Scrappy Saturday! I know I plan to!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Come Join The Fun!!!

We're having an online crop at Dixie Pieces!!! The fun begins this evening at 8:00pm (EST) There will be a new challenge posted every hour for 24 hours straight and a ton of cool prizes!!!
We are also having a Guest Designer Contest for March at the crop (you can find more info there)
It's gonna be a blast! So don't miss it!!!
When you sign in, tell them I sent ya!!!
See ya there!!!
~AMY~'ve got until midnight 2nite to send in you guess for the Wacky Wednesday Candy Heart Game!!!! Hurry!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Wacky Wednesday
Ok. So what's up with the vase full of candy?? I knew you were wondering. So, here's the deal. You have to guess how many conversation hearts are in our vase! So much fun!!! Email your guess to Whoever get the guesses closest to the correct amount wins 15 Friendz Pointz!!!
Comment here and let us know you are guessing, and email your answer! Simple! You've got until midnight (CST) on Friday Feb 15 to submit your guess!!
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Technique Tuesday
I created this card in just a few minutes using only scraps of paper & ribbon. I added a pop-dot under the heart to add dimension.
Here's Ronda's take on this sketch:
Here is Cheryl's vertical card version of the sketch:
And to prove just how simple & fun following a card sketch can's my 9 year old, Ally's version:
How cool is that?!! It doesn't even have to be a Valentine's Day card. Ally chose to use a flower instead of a heart.
So did Brandi! Here's her "Shabby Chic" take on the sketch:
Her card would be perfect for any occasion!
With cards this quick & easy....who needs Hallmark!!! ;)
Wanna earn a few Friendz Pointz this week? Complete a card using this sketch and I'll give you 5 FRIENDZ POINTZ!!! Just e-mail a photo of your card to us at and put "card sketch" in the subject.
Have a super scrappy Tuesday!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Love Month
Years ago a elderly lady gave me a little saying that she had found in a Readers Digest & I have never forgotten it. It said, "The greatest compliment you can pay someone is attention." With my busy life sometimes I find myself not even really listening or giving attention to those I love the most.
I know we all scrap because we love our family & friends & want to leave a legacy of love in our scrapbooks. But since this is "love month" lets remember to spend some extra time & attention on those we love. Let them know not only through your scrappin' but by the special attention you give them that they mean the world to you.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Sketch Challenge Pages
Completing a page using this sketch earned these girlies 10 FRIENDZ POINTZ!!! I've extended the deadline on the sketch challenge to February 29!! Just complete a page using the sketch and E-MAIL it to us! {you can find the sketch & more info under the EARN FRIENDZ POINTZ link}
To earn even more FRIENDZ POINTZ, check out the quick links to the right and get busy!! Whoever has the most FPz at the end of February will win a cool prize!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Need a place to crop this weekend?
A weekend crop at Simply Obsessed kicks off tonight and runs through Sunday. There will be great challenges, fun games, and some cool prizes.
Friday 7 pm - 10pm (EST)
Saturday 10 am - 7 pm (EST)
Sunday 10 am - 4 pm (EST)
And "CHA in Spirit Day" is Saturday at Two Peas. There will be challenges every hour, prizes for each one, and great "drive-by" prizes as well. (The Pub message board)
Saturday 9 am - midnight (EST)
I will be hosting challenges and games at both so I hope to see you there!
Guest Design Team Call
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Challenge Thursday
To celebrate "LOVE MONTH", we challenge you to created as many projects as you can with a LOVE or Valentine's Day theme! It can be a card, layout, or altered project. Each project type has a different FP value:
Cards are worth 3 FPz
Layouts are worth 5 FPz
Altered Projects are worth 8 FPz
Your earning potenial is endless!! So get busy creating!!! You will have 2 WEEKS to complete these projects!!!
To get FP credit, please e-mail your projects to
Here are some Girlfriendz Examples to inspire you!
Can you feel the love?? Hope you have a super scrappy Thursday!!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
January Girlfriend Of The Month

Here she is!!! Meet our January GFOTM.....Wendi Robinson!!!
Hello My name is Wendi and I am seriously WAY addicted to scrappin!!! I started scrappin before my first baby was born and became obsessed about 3 1/2 years ago... I LOVE scrapbook product as well as creating pages, cards, and love toe alter things. I mainly scrap my family which means the world to me... My hottie husband Jeremy and two kids, Austin and Sydney. We moved from Cali- where I was born and raised and I miss the beach everyday. My favorite things in the world are: Reece's, Diet Cherry Pepsi, my ipod, Depeche Mode and my fave tv shows.... I try and be outside as much as possible, and am looking forward to summer. I found this blog from Amy and am SUPER excited!!!!
Here is a sample of Wendi's amazing work!
Here's her blog: Scrappy Day In Paradise
Congratulations, Wendi!!! Thanks for inspiring us with your scrappy talent!!!
ScrapFriendzy Update
Also.....I have a very exciting announcement to make soon, so check back often!!!
Have a great Hump Day!!
Ronda's Wacky Wednesday
Your Candy Heart Says "Hug Me" |
![]() Your ideal Valentine's Day date: a surprise romantic evening that you've planned out Your flirting style: lots of listening and talking What turns you off: fighting and conflict Why you're hot: you're fearless about falling in love |
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Technique Tuesday
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Cheryl's Monday Motivation
So, I think it will be interesting to future generations to see a scrapbook page with information about our time. Maybe do a page about the year you were born, or the year you married......The President was.... Bread cost.... the most popular movie was... Anyway, you get the idea!
Here is a page that I did a few years age about my son's first day of Sr. year. It was funny because even though it was only a few years ago, the prices seemed cheap to me. The journaling strips give the price of his shirt, jeans, shoes, & backpack, then the bottom strip says, "Watching you grow up...PRICELESS!
Have a great week & get to scrappin'!
Check in tomorrow for Technique Tuesday!
Friday, February 1, 2008

I would love to see you take this challenge too! Create a "new" card using only red, black, and white, link it up here and you will get 3 Friendz Pointz! I'd also love to see you join the month long challenge over at SO. Drop in if you get a chance.