Need a little motivation to get some scrappin' done this week? Well, you've come to the right place!! I was thinking about what motivates me to scrap....what is my reason for putting SOOOO much time, energy and MONEY into the amazing hobby?
For me, it's not about being published or creating a LO that knocks somebody's socks's about telling my story and leaving a legacy for the people I love. Years & years from now, when my grandchildren are looking at my albums and projects, they will see the love and care that went into them. They will hear my voice in the journaling and feel the love that I have for my family. That's priceless!
SO, my challenge for you this week is to really stop and think about WHY you scrapbook. Don't just get caught up in meeting this deadline or working with the latest and the greatest supplies. Don't worry about creating a LO that gets picked up by a mag or gets you on a DT. Just sit back, relax and create. Enjoy the legacy that you are leaving for generations to come.
This is my last page in my 1st BOM. I wanted my family to understand why this hobby means so much to me. The quote reads, "Happiness is knowing who you are, and sharing yourself with those you love...this is why I scrapbook." This is a pocket page and inside the pocket, I've included a letter to my family. The pics are of my scraproom & me scrapping, etc. Scrapbooking is such a HUGE part of who I am, and I wanted them to see why.
Have a super blessed week!!!